Frequently asked questions

Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support team by sending us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

What is mfoni?
mfoni is a photo gallery app in Ghana. It uses facial and image recognition to help users find photos from events and shows.
How do I use it?
While mfoni is currently under development, you can stay updated by following our Twitter account for the latest news and announcements.
Who is it for?
As an event organizer, freelance photographer, or someone who loves being in front of the camera, you can join our waitlist now!
When will v0.1.0 launch?
We're aiming to launch v0.1.0 by Q1 2024, if not sooner. However, we'll keep you updated on our progress.

Meet the team

We’re a dynamic group of individuals who are passionate about what we do and dedicated to delivering the best results for our clients.

Fiifi Jr.
Nana Anikuabe